
(Members List)

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Stay close crew! We're going in!

Welcome to the member page. this is the list of the current memebers of the group.  its got everyone i can think of in it. any new members, send me a message, if you get in to the group, ill post your name here along with all the other gamers.

In the name of the Emperor!!! Open Fire!!!!

A full list of our current members. i want to put phone numbers up here, because im tired of having to find sam's phone,or asking someone  else if they have someone's number. I will be sure to ask any members before posting thier phone numbers.

Currier, Tyler
Fisher, Gary
Fisher, Matt
Fisher, Sam
Gladden, Jason
Hons, Bryan
Montelongo, Michael
Tai, Frank
Tom, Aaron
Wagner, Ryan
Martin, Kyle
Williamson, Brad J.

Welcome New Members!

Any new members please visit our contact us page to see how to get a membership.

Here is another link to the forums, and another to the recent/upcoming events page, so new memebers and visitors can see whats going on here.

ShieldBreakers Forum

Recent and Upcoming Events

The shield breakers is a warhammer organization of texas, and is in no way, shape, or form affiliated with GamesWorkshop or its partners. all logos, trades marks, and other icons, belong soly to GW, and in no way do we earn any profit from these logos, or plan to do so.
